The AACR awards an AIM article as the most-cited

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At their annual Meeting, the AACR awards The Best of the AACR Journals collection, featuring the most-cited research articles of the year. Our article entitled “Computational Radiomics System to Decode the Radiographic Phenotype” and published in the journal Cancer Research, was among the awarded. Joost van Griethuysen MD, and lead author on the manuscript, received a dedicated award at the AACR Journals Reception during the Annual Meeting 2019 in Atlanta.

The manuscript describes the release of a flexible open-source platform, called PyRadiomics, capable of extracting a large panel of engineered features from medical images. This artificial intelligence (AI) platform based on engineered hard-coded algorithms can be used to develop noninvasive imaging-based biomarkers. With this platform, we aim to establish a reference standard for radiomic analyses, and to grow the community of radiomic developers addressing critical needs in cancer research.